Tuesday 31 July 2012

Union Island - Grenada

After our time spent in the beautiful Tobago Cays, we decided to head back to Union Island after the weather started to pick up. With winds reaching 30 knots and rain squalls moving in, the little bay was packed with boats. We had a few near misses as other boats put their anchors down next to ours.

We were delayed in Union for a few days as we waited for the weather to clear up. Finally, on Thursday, we picked up our anchor and sailed to Petite St. Vincent. This beautiful little island is a private resort that allows boats to anchor off of its main beach and allows 'yachties' to go to their restaurants and use part of their beach. That afternoon we got there, my parents went for a drink at the Goatie's beach bar whilst I went for a run along the beach. It was a stunning run with not a single person in sight! As the sun began to lower, I arrived back at the beach bar and we headed back to our sweet Jangles to get ready for dinner. As it was my birthday the next day, we decided to celebrate it whilst we were on this quaint little island. We had delicious starters of crab, spring rolls and banana chips whilst we had drinks at the bar before moving to our wooden table for the main course. Once our bellies were at the brink of bursting, we called it a night.
Birthday dinner

I woke up to 4 family members bursting into my small cabin singing happy birthday. The year of being 17 has officially begun. After eating breakfast, opening presents and having a slice of chocolate cake (my mother had attempted to make red velvet cupcakes but got distracted whilst she was mixing ingredients and forgot to add the vital egg, so these rock hard, sunken in things came out of the oven. . .hence the chocolate cake) the day began. It was a relaxed day that consisted of snorkelling around the island and then sailing, screecher and all, down to Sandy Island. Wine and butternut salad was how the glorious day ended, making it a birthday to remember.

Good morning
We left Sandy Island early Saturday morning and docked midday in Port Louis, Grenada. We went into   the marina to give Jangles a scrub, to check into customs and immigration, and to do some grocery shopping. We spent the night in the marina and had dinner at the marina restaurant. We left to anchor in the bay the following day.

On Tuesday, we picked up anchor and motored to the spot where the underwater sculpture park was just off Moliniere Point in Dragon Bay. We attached to a buoy and got all the snorkelling gear ready, then took the dinghy around the corner. We got in the water and were greeted by magnificent sculptures, 2-6 metres below us. There were sculptures of ladies lying on the floor, a women on her knees praying, a man at his desk, a circle of people holding hands and Christ of the deep. Joshua even had enough cheek to feel up one of the lady statues lying down! We also saw many fish, including some large scorpion fish and an eel.

Christ of the deep.
We had originally planned to head down to Tobago on Wednesday to spend a few days with a friend we recently made in St. Lucia, Robert. Unfortunately, we've had to keep our eye on the weather had yesterday there was a 20% chance of a cyclone developing and today, that has increased to 30%. These are only predictions but they are in the direction we are meant to be sailing in. We are sitting tight for the moment and constantly checking to see if anything changes. . .but until then we have an island to explore!

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy we met Jess, you have an amazing life and a wonderful family. Do keep us all informed. Should you ever come to the Pacific Northwest, I must insist your family attend a proper braai at my home, N.W. style. Choe shane...
